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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Album:     Parallel Dreams Artist:    LoReena Mckennitt      Rating:       8                                   

This album is very easy listening, although LoReena is a Canadian, she has a very unique ethereal voice which lends itself very well to Irish / Pagan music. She mostly tours Europe with very little or no live performances in Scotland, But well worth going to one if you can. A fantastic singer / song writer.

Album:                      Artist:                       Rating:                    

Album:   The Mask and Mirror      Artist:  LoReena McKennitt                     Rating:        8   

Again a wonderful album, the ethereal voice takes us on a journey which is both private and very unique to each individual. LoReena McKennitt is a very multi talented artist and we hope she does not loose the quality and mastery that she has obtained.   





Welcome to Music Recommendations

                             Here we are pleased to recommend Music, Music that we like and any music that

                             you think should be here, it does not have to be Wiccan based, but it would be nice. 

                             Scorings the same. So we hope you like it all. Bright Blessings Stormwalker.