Welcome to




The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

Stormwalker was born in 1965 and moved to Scotland in 1997.

He was Handfasted to Deenagh on the 30th June 2007 and still feels he is the luckiest man alive.

A Full practicing Shaman and has also been involved with the Craft for over 20 years.

Deenagh was born in 1972 in Northern Ireland & after living in England for 10 years moved to Scotland in 2005.She is a Hedge Witch who performs the Blessings and Ceremonies for the site shop as well as for both our selves and others who need our aid. She also writes most of the ceremonies herself ( to great effect ) , as well as Writing for the Information part of this site. She works part time and is very happy in doing so.

About Us

He is the Site designer and is an avid lover of Sci Fi and Horror Books. Stormwalker aids Deenagh in her Ceremonies .

Both Deenagh & Stormwalker love going for walks in the countryside with their two dogs Molly & Teelan, and can be found doing outdoor ceremonies when ever the weather permits { a bit hard in the winter, but blue bits aside it’s great fun }.

Boundary of local woodland where Stormwalker & Deenagh were Handfasted and walk their two dogs.
